I have fallen so far behind in posting and in reading all of your posts! I caught up a bit this morning and hope to stay on track now. After the wedding, things geared up for fall and then for the holidays both at home and at work. But, I have vowed to get back to what I love.
My latest is a very simple pattern called Nine Lives Vest from
Shapes, by Louise Cutting and Linda Lee. It is an unlined vest/blouse that I've seen made up as a summer shirt. I liked the idea of it as a vest for the winter months and made it up in a black faille-like fabric. I love the way the collar stands -- I think it's flattering and I also like the asymetrical shape with one side slightly longer than the other. There is a slight capped sleeve and, though it is shown with multiple buttons, I chose to do one large one in the center. The seams are bound with a black and brown brocade.
It makes a great foil for the scarves I've been making -- the first in silk dupioni with odd 'shapes' attached at the bottom and the second from some vintage kimono fabric with a band of black on black silk at either end.
Easy and versatile -- has the structure I love!